A Day in the Life of Eats!

Good Afternoon and Happy ECLIPSE DAY!

WOW!  That was pretty cool, I have to admit.  We just got back from Hawaii and was a little late to the whole eclipse event but luckily scored some glasses and was able to partake in this once in a lifetime event.

Speaking of Hawaii, I do have some Hawaiian beauty products to share with you and that will be coming up next!  When in ROME, you have to try the local products and my skin really needed a little TLC while there.  The sun was INTENSE and my skin was not enjoying the multiple layers of SPF and UV Rays that I could not avoid.  LOL!  I think my skin really like the Pacific NW weather better BUT Maui was freaking amazing!  Definitely worth the skin freak out. 

Okay, let's get to the business at hand.  I have been asked to create a series on WHAT I ATE IN A DAY.  Now, despite being a Holistic Health Coach and Detox Specialist, this sort of intimidates me because you might be surprised to see what I eat.  I am not an ALL KALE EATER and definitely include a sweet treat into my daily life.  BUT,  I do admit, I love reading these kinds of posts myself and it gives me ideas on what to eat.  

SO let's dive in shall we.....

Upon waking up:  I first and foremost HYDRATE my body with Warm Lemon Water.

Warm Lemon Water

Warm Lemon Water

After I have hydrated my body then it is time for BREAKFAST and COFFEE!
Most days I eat my absolute favorite breakfast = Ezekiel English Muffin with Nut Butter and Banana.  I am a wee bit obsessed with my Ezekiel English Muffins and my family likes to tease me about it.  I call these my Ezeek Beeks for short and will freak out if there are none in the house. But who is kidding who, my beloved Ezekiel English Muffins will be in the house at all times.

Food for Life 7-Sprouted Grains English Muffins

Food for Life 7-Sprouted Grains English Muffins


I have found this is my perfect way to start the day, perfect pre-workout food, and just perfect meal all around.  My love for these is STRONG!  So yep, I eat BREAD which contain GLUTEN on a daily basis.  For some this comes as a shock because I am a detox specialist and lead quarterly detoxes where we remove the common allergens each season.  Some people assume that I am vegan, dairy free, gluten free, sugar-free, everything-free : )  but to be honest, I eat pretty much everything (within reason) and feel my best when I am diary-light, gluten-light and allow a little wiggle room for my sweet treat!  
I ADORE these Sprouted Grain English Muffins because they do not contain flour.  Instead, they use sprouted grains that breaks down enzyme inhibitors, so your body can more easily digest them and absorb calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and zinc.   
This was my most missed breakfast while we were in Hawaii.  I can't tell you how happy my body was to eat this breakfast.

Ezekiel English Muffin with SunButter, Banana, and Raspberries!  

Ezekiel English Muffin with SunButter, Banana, and Raspberries!  

 Ezekiel English Muffin with Sunbutter, Banana, and Raspberries
1 Ezekiel English Muffin
1 1/2 tablespoons Organic Sunflower Seed Butter
1 banana, sliced
Garnish with Fresh Raspberries
Toast English Muffin, smear with sunflower seed butter, top with sliced bananas and raspberries.  Enjoy!

Cup of Joe with a splash of almond milk and a few drops of liquid stevia!

Next up is LUNCH!  I tend to eat lunch early around 11:00/11:30am if I can.  My body was craving SALAD.  I met a client at my all time favorite restaurant Garden Bar!  Yes... I am a little partial because I have my own Bliss Detox Salad there but I absolutely love it and have yet to tire of this salad.  The Bliss Detox is loaded with:
Organic Rainbow Carrots
Pickled Red Onions
Chia seeds
Pink peppercorn + Cider vinaigrette

The Bliss Detox Salad

The Bliss Detox Salad

This salad is bursting with flavor and is quite hearty.  I often eat half and save the other half for dinner or for lunch the following day.  I also sometimes add chicken or tempeh to the mix if I feel like I need more protein.  Today, I just had it AS IS.  So good!
I had this along with a Brew Dr. LOVE Kombucha.  This is another one of my daily drinks and I pretty much have 1 Kombucha and 1 Kevita a day. I am a believer in the probiotic effects of Kombucha and Kevita drinks and my gut health definitely changed once I started layering probiotic rich supplements and foods into my diet.

LOVE Brew Dr. Kombucha

LOVE Brew Dr. Kombucha

Okay- it is 3:30pm and I am just getting home from seeing clients and am feeling a little depleted.  I am off from traveling and still catching up on sleep.  So guess what?  I am craving CHOCOLATE!!!  First, I just had a 16 oz glass of water.  Before I indulge, I always hydrate first to see if that craving passes.  Sometimes it does.  Sometimes it doesn't.  Today, I am nervous because my dog Gumbo is having his teeth cleaned and I am worried he won't wake up from anesthesia.  I always have to worry about something right??  So between being tired, stressed, and worried, I decided to eat some of my all-time favorite Dark Chocolate Goji Berries.  These are my 'thing'!  They just make me happy.

This is my go-to Dessert!  

This is my go-to Dessert!  

Now, I would not necessarily say these are healthy.  I am a firm believer in the 80/20 philosophy of eating.  Most days I eat pretty healthy but always allow a little wiggle room for a 'treat' if I need it.  Today is one of those days! I ate a little bit more than one ounce... not quite two ounces but definitely more than one.   

Next up is DINNER.  Today is a classic BLISS BOWL Day.  What is a Bliss Bowl?  

So what is the BLISS BOWL? Basically, it’s a huge bowl of nourishing goodness! The base is finely chopped KALE (but you can use your greens of choice), then it is topped with copious amounts of veggies (all my favorite complex carbs-yams), protein (quinoa/broccoli) and healthy fat. It is topped with my favorite Ginger Miso Dressing! I am a HUGE fan of anything in a bowl and The BLISS BOWL is no exception. It is super nourishing and will really FILL you up! I often eat this for lunch or dinner and rotate the ingredients with what I have on hand.

The Bliss Bowl

The Bliss Bowl

This one included: 
Red Cabbage
Snap Peas
Red Onion
Roasted Sweet Potato
Grape Tomatoes
Feta Cheese
Drizzled with my favorite Ginger Miso Dressing!  This makes everything taste better.

Grab a big SALAD bowl. Add the shredded kale to the bottom of bowl as your base layer. Then have fun and be creative! Top all your goodies on top of your salad. Visually this bowl will be a thing of BEAUTY!

Ginger Miso Dressing


  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/4 cup white miso paste
  • Dash of raw honey or agave nectar (to taste)
  • 2 tbsp chopped scallion
  • 1 tbsp ginger, peeled and minced
  • Juice from one lemon
  • A drizzle of sesame oil


Add all dressing ingredients to a blender, and blend until creamy and smooth. You'll have plenty of dressing for this recipe and additional salads.

 My body was craving VEGGIES.  I had some healthy food in Maui, but I also ate Lahaina Pizza, Coconut Cream Pie, and Gelato... my body is happy to be home!
After eating my Bliss Bowl, I had a Cayenne Cleanse Kevita to help me digest all my food and hydrate.

My favorite flavor- Lemon Cayenne Kevita!

My favorite flavor- Lemon Cayenne Kevita!

That was my day of eats!  I am easing back into my groove and will continue to do a WHAT I ATE post each week.  I have closed the kitchen and am looking forward to snuggling up in my bed and reading my book.  I am currently reading:

We are Still Here Ya Bastards.jpg

This is a really good book about the rebuilding efforts of the New Orleans people and it is quite inspiring and somewhat depressing too.  I have been on a Katrina book tear lately and can't seem to get enough info about it.  I went to college in New Orleans.  I met my husband in New Orleans. I got married on the steps of the Columns Hotel in New Orleans and have always been fascinated with this beautiful and dysfunctional city.  LOL!  I think this is the 5th book I have read about New Orleans this summer.  I am ready to move on to a new subject.  Let me know if you have any suggestions.

Okay, I think that is it for me!  My dog Gumbo is home safe and sound and I am ready to hit the hay.  

My dog Gumbo!

My dog Gumbo!

Come back for more.... next up I am posting about CLEAN FOUNDATIONS,  Hawaiian Skin Care, and some luxury goodies from Kjaer Weis!  

Have a good night everyone.


